2012年3月26日 星期一

認字比賽各年級練習 - 拼音班 (Vocabulary Contest Practice - Pinyin Class)

** 為環保, 請勿將檔案印出, 請上網或下載後在電腦上練習! To be Earth friendly, please DO NOT print the file. Please practice on the web or download it to computer.

幼稚園 Kindergarten
幼小班 K1
數字1-10 練習 Number 1-10 Practice: http://www.nvaecs.org/data/academics/K1_Number_Prac.pdf
幼中班 K2
Better Chinese - My First Word Lesson 13 - 24
按課練習 Lesson Practice: http://www.nvaecs.org/data/academics/K2C_BC_1st_Word_Vocabulary_Prac.pdf
幼大班 K3
Better Chinese - My First Word Lesson 25 - 36
按課練習: http://www.nvaecs.org/data/academics/K3C_BC_1st_Word_Vocabulary_Prac.pdf

國小 Elementary School
一年級 E1C
Better Chinese - My First Reader Lesson 1 - Lesson 8 
按課練習: http://www.nvaecs.org/data/academics/E1C_BC_1st_Reader_Vocabulary_Prac.pdf

四年級 E4C
Better Chinese - My First Reader Lesson 12 - Lesson 18
按課練習: http://www.nvaecs.org/data/academics/E4C_BC_1st_Reader_Vocabulary_Prac.pdf


