感謝各位家長的幫忙, 2012 ECS 新年文化節 26個班將分五組進行, 請各位參考下列組別及班級活動主題, 若有誤, 請電郵小組長教務更正.
關於您班上活動所需物品, 也將在此列出, 請您隨時注意網頁的更新, 若有缺誤, 請您也盡快與小組長或教務聯絡!
Thank you very much for helping 2012 ECS Chinese New Year Festival. 26 classes will be divided to 5 team. Please refer the following for team class and activity theme. For the items you need for your activity, please let us know and we will update here as well so you can refer back anytime you want. For missing information or info correction, please send emails to ECS Academics.
Thank you!
TEAM 1: (Team Lead: Denise S. )
K1A : 十二生肖 Chinese Zodiac activity
- Items needed from school: Student bring crayon
- Items needed from school:
- Items needed from school: Crayon, 影印空白舞獅頭圖案 x 100,
- Items needed from school:
- Items needed from class: Staplers x 5,
- Items needed from school: Color paper x 120, latern template, scissor x 12, glue sticks x 12, clear tapes x 5, staples x 5 strips, projector x 1, laptop
TEAM 2: (Team Lead: PK W. )
K3C : 新年吉祥物 New Year Lucky Charm
- Items needed from school: None
- Items needed from school:
- Items needed from school: None
- Items needed from school: Color paper x 100 (red, green, blue, and yellow), latern template, scissor x 15, clear tapes, clear paper
TEAM 3: (Team Lead: Jessica W. )
E2A: 十二生肖
- Items needed from school:
E2B : 吉祥話
- Items needed from school: None
E5A : 年初二回娘家
- Items needed from students: 外公和外婆的照片一張
- Items needed from school: 60-100個紅包袋
E5B : 舞龍舞獅慶新年
- Items needed from school: None
TEAM 4: (Team Lead: Jessica Y. )
E3A : 鞭炮 Firecracker
- Items needed from school: Bubble wrap and scissors
- Items needed from school:
- Items needed from school: 色紙,剪刀,膠水
- Items needed from school:
- Items needed from school: Projector, 十二生肖故事片
TEAM 5: (Team Lead: )
- Items needed from school:
- Items needed from school: 象棋 x 4
- Items needed: VCD player (laptop? )
- Items needed from school: Projector
- Items needed from school: 毛筆, 墨汁
- Items needed from school: 麻將 x 4
- Student preparation: 老師事先將燈謎題目發給學生研讀(只有題目沒有答案)
- Items needed from school: None